Malaysia has not seen so many deaths in 24 hours in Corona


Desk report: Record deaths and cases of coronavirus have been identified in Malaysia in a single day. In the last 24 hours, 256 people have died in Corona in the country. Malaysia has never seen so many deaths in a single day. At this time 19 thousand 819 new patients have been identified. Which is the highest identified in the history of Malaysia. Since the spread of new variants in the country, the leap has not been taking a terrible shape.With a record number of deaths on Wednesday (August 4th), the total death toll so far stands at 9,855.In addition, in the last 24 hours, 19 thousand 819 people have been identified as new corona. With this, the total number of corona identities in the country stood at 11 lakh 83 thousand 110 people. Meanwhile, 12,604 people have recovered in the last 24 hours. With this, a total of 9 lakh 82 thousand 733 people have recovered.Local time on Wednesday (August 4), the country’s director general of health. Nur Hisham Abdullah told this information to the journalists in the regular briefing of Kovid-19.In the current situation, Dr. requested everyone to comply with the hygiene rules.

Nur Hisham Abdullah said that the most important thing now is to follow the hygiene rules. Because, at the rate at which the number of patients is increasing, no matter how many hospital beds are increased, it will not be possible to accommodate the patient.Meanwhile, several states, including the capital Kuala Lumpur, Selangor, Kedah, Johor, Kelantan, Sabah, Negari Sembilan, Pineng, Melaka, Putrajaya, Sarawak, Pahang, Terengganu and Labuan, are at high risk of coronavirus infection.The first phase of the National Recovery Plan lockdown is underway to control coronary infections in Malaysia. In addition, at least 21 agencies under various ministries, including the Immigration Department of Malaysia, have launched a nationwide campaign since July 1 to make the Standard Operating System (SOP) health coverage effective. The campaign has been named ‘Operation Patuh’. In addition, 2 crore 21 lakh 52 thousand 37 people have been vaccinated across Malaysia till Tuesday. Of these, 1 crore 46 lakh 11 thousand 532 people (72.6 percent) have received the first dose of vaccine and 84 lakh 40 thousand 835 people (31.7 percent) have completed the second dose of vaccination.
